Cmd C

  1. Cmd Corporation
  2. Cmd Commands
  3. Cmd Construction
  4. Cmd Corp
  5. Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Now in Win32, there is one global current directory, but at the command line the appearance is still maintained that each drive has its own current directory, this is a fake-out by cmd.exe. The location for each drive is stored using the undocumented environment variables =A:, =B:, =C: etc. Forfiles /S /M. /D - /C 'cmd /c echo @file is outdated.' To list the file name extensions of all the files in the current directory in column format, and add a tab before the extension, type: forfiles /S /M. /C 'cmd /c echo The extension of @file is 0x09@ext' Additional References. Command-Line Syntax Key. Cd is the abbreviation or synonym for chdir. It is a command found inside the Windows Command Processor (cmd) that allows for change of the current working directory of a shell instance. The CWD (Current Working Directory) is a path (of a directory) inside the file system, where the shell is currently working. This command option implies /F and will force a dismount of the volume if necessary. /I: This option will perform a less vigorous chkdsk command by instructing the command to run faster by skipping over certain regular checks. /C: Same as /I but skips over cycles within the folder structure to reduce the amount of time that the chkdsk command.

Cmd Corporation

Change Directory - Select a Folder (and drive)

CHDIR is a synonym for CD.

Tab Completion

Tab completion allows changing the current folder by entering just part of the path and pressing TAB.

Tab Completion is disabled by default, it has been known to create difficulty when using a batch script to process text files that contain TAB characters.
Tab Completion is turned on by setting the registry value shown below:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftCommand Processor]

A Current Directory for each drive?

Originally in MS-DOS, each drive had its own current directory, for complex historical reasons.

Now in Win32, there is one global current directory, but at the command line the appearance is still maintained that each drive has its own current directory, this is a fake-out by cmd.exe.
The location for each drive is stored using the undocumented environment variables=A:, =B:, =C: etc.

The only reason you need to be aware of this is that GUI Windows applications may have a different current directory than the command prompt. Similarly two CMD sessions can each have a different current directory.


If the Current directory was changed: %ERRORLEVEL% = 0
If the Directory does not exist or is not accessible or if a bad switch given: %ERRORLEVEL% = 1


Change to the parent directory:
C:Work> CD ..
Change to the grant-parent directory:
C:WorkbackupJanuary> CD ....
Change to the ROOT directory:
C:WorkbackupJanuary> CD
Display the current directory in the specified drive:
C:> CD D:
Display the current drive and directory:
C:Work> CD
Display the current drive and directory:
C:Work> ECHO '%CD%'
In a batch file to display the location of the batch script file (%0)
C:> ECHO '%~dp0'
In a batch file to CD to the location of the batch script file (%0)
C:> CD /d '%~dp0'
Move down the folder tree with a full path reference to the ROOT folder...
C:windows> CD windowsjava

Move down the folder tree with a reference RELATIVE to the current folder...
C:windows> CD java

Move up and down the folder tree in one command...
C:windowsjava> CD ..system32

If Command Extensions are enabled, which they are by default, the CD command is enhanced as follows:

The current directory string is not CASE sensitive.
So CD C:wiNdoWs will set the current directory to C:Windows
CD does not treat spaces as delimiters, so it is possible to CD into a subfolder name that contains a space without surrounding the name with quotes.
For example:
cd My folder
is the same as:
cd 'My folder'

An asterisk can be used to complete a folder name
e.g. C:> CD pro* will move to C:Program Files

Change the Current Drive
Enter the drive letter followed by a colon
C:> E:

To change drive and directory at the same time, use CD with the /D switch
C:> cd /D E:utils

CHDIR is a synonym for CD

CD is an internal command.

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future” ~ John F. Kennedy

Related commands:

Cmd C

pushd - Change Directory.
Q156276 - Cmd does not support UNC names as the current directory.
Powershell: Set-Location - Set the current working location.
Equivalent bash command (Linux): cd - Change Directory.

Cmd commands windows 10
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Start command can be used to run a command/batch file in another command window or to launch an application from command line. Below you can find the command’s syntax and some examples.

Launch another command window:

Cmd Commands

This command opens a new command prompt window.
Run a command in a separate window

This command opens a new command window and also runs the specified command. If the command is of a GUI application, the application will be launched with out any new command window.

Cmd Construction

Launch new command window and run dir command.:

Run a command in another window and terminate after command execution:

For example, to run a batch file in another command window and to close the window after batch file execution completes, the command will be:

Cmd Corp


Command Prompt Commands Windows 10

Run the command in the same window:

Run a command in the background like we do using ‘&’ in Linux:

In Windows, we can do similar thing by using start command. But here it does not run in background. A new command window will be executing the specified command and the current window will be back to prompt to take the next command.

Launch a GUI application:

For example, to launch internet explorer, we can use the below command.

Open windows explorer in the current directory: